Monday, June 18, 2012

Our Princess...

Here is an update on Violet:

A week and a few days after Violet got home from the hospital, we had to take her to the ER. She was throwing up everything that she ate and was loosing weight rapidly. At almost 5 weeks she got down to 7lbs 5oz (she was born at 8lbs)she lost about 5 oz in 3 days. After a few blood tests, ultrasound on the stomach, and xrays, doctors confirmed that she had Pyloric stenosis. Basically the muscle that is on the outside in between her stomach and small intestine was too tight. She was transported to Kaiser LA in an ambulance to have surgery to release the muscle. She was in the hospital a total of 3 days. Despite everything that she has gone thru, she always has a smile on her face. She has another surgery coming up July 24th to fix her cleft lip, hopefully this is the last surgery she has this year.

- Violet loves to eat! I feel that she does that all day! I love my girl.
- She loves to talk.
- She was at the 75th percentile in height and 25th percentile in weight at her 2 month checkup.
- She loves playing on her mat.
- She in now wearing 3 month clothing.
- She giggles every once in a while.

Violet waking up from her surgery.

I'm 2 months

Enjoying a tractor ride at tanaka farm

Loves her playmat


  1. love this little girl. She is adorable! I hope it is her last surgery too.

  2. Such a beautiful little girl! And Noah is getting so big!

  3. I can't believe how big Noah is getting! You have a beautiful family.
